Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bloody Amateurs (or: Stonehenge Mystery Uncovered)

Since 1666, antiquarians and archaeologists have been trying to discover what really was the purpose of Stonehenge.

Today, BBC writes: Archaeologists have discovered a second henge at Stonehenge, described as the most exciting find there in 50 years.

While reading Wikipedia's article about Stonehenge, I came across this plan:

I don't know about you, but seriously - look at it.  To me it is bleeding obvious what was the purpose of Stonehenge.  Still don't get it?  Ok - let's rotate the plan a bit:

Now focus entirely on the dark gray stones (the oldest if I am not mistaken) and forget about the rest.

Still not?  Hmmm - how about this then:

Granted - some of the rocks have fallen over in the past 6000 years, but still - I am absolutely convinced that Stonehenge is nothing but a huge smiley.

Seriously, how hard can it be?  Don't forget - you read it here first!!!

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