It has been brought to my attention, through a third party, that certain people have "stopped reading my blog" because the views I have posted here are too negative. What the fuck!
Let's make a few things clear. I don't write this blog for an audience or indeed for your entertainment. I write this blog for one purpose and that is to vent MY frustrations and opinions. The hint is in the title of the blog in case you wondered.
It is entirely up to YOU if you want to read it or not. If you read it and you disagree you can stop reading it, you can post a comment (simple - just go here) or you can write your own blog with all the positive things that are missing from this one. Hell - if you write a nice positive blog and you write it interesting enough - I might end up reading it myself (and leave a few negative comments obviously).
And if you think I am grumpy - check out this one:
Let me finish with a bit of Fawlty Towers:
O'Reilly: The problem with you, Mr. Fawlty, is that you worry too much. You keep it up like this, you'll have a stroke before fifty. Stone dead you'll be.
Basil Fawlty: Suits me.
O'Reilly: Oh! That's a dreadful thing to say.
Basil Fawlty: Not at all. Get a bit of peace.
O'Reilly: Don't be so morbid. The Good Lord made the world so that we could all enjoy ourselves.
Basil Fawlty: Look, my wife enjoys herself. I worry.
O'Reilly: Well, let me tell you, if the Lord had meant us to worry, he would have given us things to worry about.
Basil Fawlty: HE HAS! MY WIFE!! She will be back here in four hours and she can kill a man at ten paces with one blow of her tongue! How am I supposed not to worry?
O'Reilly: Just remember, Mr. Fawlty, there's always somebody worse off than yourself.
Basil Fawlty: Is there? Well I'd like to meet him. I could do with a laugh.
O'Reilly: You'll have to worry for the both of us. I tell you, if the Good Lord---
Basil Fawlty: ---is mentioned ONCE more, I shall move you closer to him!
you go, girl!
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