Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nice Waste of Time

A few month back I ordered a Kindle.  It was a gift to someone so I had Amazon ship it direct to the recipient.  Amazon did add the expected import duty to the bill at the time.

Today I received the following email:
Now that is awfully nice of Amazon - really it is.  Not quite like Christmas but almost.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pretty Pointless (or: Mad Marketing Hype)

Just noticed this electrical plug:

Excuse me - an "unbreakable fused" power plug!  Well - that's pretty damn pointless isn't it?  I thought the whole point of a fuse was that it would break the circuit in case of an over load.  Unbreakable fused - well - that basically means unfused - a basic plug in other words.

I couldn't help myself but take it apart and inside I found.....

Well, don't know about you - but that looks like a normal breakable fuse to me.  Not sure what is so unbreakable about it.  It's a fuse.  Put more current through it than it was designed for and it will break.  It's that simple and no marketing hype will change that.