Thursday, January 26, 2012

Your Ass Belong to Us

While most of the Interweb is up in arms about Google's new privacy policy, I came across a new search engine called Skipity.  Their privacy policy goes like this:

That is actually quite refreshing and unique.  At least they are honest.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Best Toy Ever?

My apologies for the poor photo (through a window in direct sunlight), but check this:

That, my friends, is a toy chain saw!  Combined with a bottle of ketchup I am sure will provide kids with hours of entertainment.  I am also sure that none of said kids will ever dress up as forest workers.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

High-tech Indeed

Who need engineers these days when we got "marketing"?  A prime example has got to be this fine crash helmet:


 VTEC Ventilation Technology! Let's examine that technology a bit:




Excuse me - I wonder if they patented that amazing technology?  A hole with some kind of valve - who would have thought...