Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sick Game

Am I the only one who think this is pretty fucking sick:

Obviously the idiot on the picture didn't get it quite right.  He obviously didn't fracture his hip in order to get the proper angle on the leg.

If that is a fun fair game then I think I could come come up with a long list of other fun games they could play.  They could for example play drug addicts, share the needle and see who would catch HIV first.  Or how about a quick game of massive traffic accident - see who can shed the most blood and still survive - barely.  Finish off with the hilarious Malaysian favorite of baby dumping (dump baby from 5th floor and see how high they bounce) and all is set for a fun day at the fun fair.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I can't quite make up my mind what I think about Johnny Walker's latest advertising at my regular pub (Gypsy in Changkat Bukit Bintang):

They might as well tell their customers to go away :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Missing" Tourist Attraction

Just came across this post card in one of the countless convenience stores (none of which are very convenient) along Tingkat Tong Shin:

The amusing thing is that it depicts the old Penang Hill Railway funicular train. The problem is - that railway is no more since the tourism ministry decided to modernise it (as I wrote back in February).  When in some distant future it reopens it will be some modern aircon'ed high speed monstrosity that will have absolutely zero attraction left for any tourists.